The 2010 Survey of New Jewish Initiatives in Europe: Key Findings

Jumpstart Report – Issue Three – fall 2010


Jumpstart, with partners The Pears Foundation and the ROI Community, worked together to take a comprehensive snapshot of Jewish startups—defined as autonomous or independent non-commercial European initiatives founded in the 21st century. The aim was to help nonprofit leaders, funders, and community supporters understand the current landscape of the Jewish startup sector, enabling them not only to learn from one another, but also to discover common threads from which to build collaborations.

The survey collected data about organizational age, location, constituents and participants, structure and governance, income and expenditures, staffing, volunteer leadership, and self-assessment of their organizational strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing that the grassroots energy of ‘do-it-yourself Judaism’ comes at the same time that broad and deep philanthropic investment has sparked the creation and growth of intensive Jewish learning schemes, service and travel experiences, and other leadership development fellowships, we also sought information about the background and practices of the initiatives’ founders and leaders.

Download The 2010 Survey of New Jewish Initiatives in Europe: Key Findings

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